Tag Archives: cookie

Salted Ginger Oatmeal Cookies

13 Mar

I have this *thing* about desserts.  I mean, they’re fine.  I like them and all.  Oh, and I won’t deny that if you put out a plate of cookies and turn around for a few minutes, I’ll devour some of them.  But.  If there’s a way to have a savory-sweet dessert?  SIGN ME UP!  I love them.  And, this cookie definitely fits that bill.

Salted Ginger Oatmeal Cookies

Unfortunately, this isn’t my own recipe.  If you want to try it, and I would definitely recommend it(!), I pilfered the recipe for Ginger Oatmeal Cookies from Cook’s Illustrated (recipe linked if you have an account).  If not, I am sure you could try any oatmeal cookie recipe, and add some ginger!   But, the salt is my own addition.  There’s a fabulous tea place in DC, Teasim, that has to-die-for Salted Oatmeal Cookies.  And, in remembrance of them, I rolled the cookies in maldon sea salt before baking.  Which I think was a good thing, as the cookie itself is a bit more sweet than I would care for.  But, the chewiness level of the cookies, with a heady hint of ginger, is wonderful, and with the addition of salt, the cookies are absolutely perfect.  Try them, and see!